星期二, 十一月 21, 2006

Pratical 4&5

-Type of Search facility
-Keywords used
-URL and Purpose

Example used :


Pokemon news games information


News and information
- this website provide the lastest news and information about pokemon

Very good


-Pokemon ag download


-Multimedia-contain old and new episode of pokemon, music and games to download

-Very good




- Official site of POKéPARK, a limited-time theme park based on the world of Pokemon

-Very good

Meta Search Engine

Example used :


-Pokemon music download


- Pokemon, pokemon pictures, pokemon
movies + musc, pokemon games, pokemon downloads, pokemon text & voice chat, pokemon stories, pokemon code & cheats


Subject Directory

Example used :


-Pokemon tcg cards


Games - Crushing strategies, detailed articles, top-level deck designs, and a host of other assorted bits of information about the Pokemon Trading Card Game


Reflections on Comparison and Evaluation on search effectiveness

You must then evaluate and compare the effectiveness of each search facility. You may use criteria such as the differences and similarities in terms of search capabilities, result ranking, size of hits, etc. You are encouraged to use your own initiative to suggest other areas of discussion and comparison.

Compare the search results. Identify 2 characteristics that make all 3 search facilities similar or different from one another.

All contain the keywords “Pokemon” as that is my topic, but it was wide so I break down into searching it. I search them by breaking them into few parts as shown above in the table. Some websites are quite similar to one another although I did not put in the same keywords. Some websites are different as the keywords used are not the same.

Do you find any strength/weakness of each of them, in terms of search capability?

The strength I found out that is I need to be specific when finding the topic that I wanted. The weakness is that I get a lot of useless website when the thing that I wanted to find is rare.

Overall, which search facility best meet your searching needs? Why?

The best facility for me is google. It organized the search well and easy for me to find the things that I wanted there. Others website seem hard for me.

Comment whether your research topic has any co-relation to the purposes of the resources retrieved.

Yes it does as the topic I am doing contain all kinds of news and information about Pokemon



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